Spoilers ahead for the episode!

Disney’s latest Star Wars installment has finally made its way into its 6th episode, with a further exploration into the Mandalorian side-plot we were first introduced to in Episode 5.

The episode had a class Star Wars feel, equipped with amazing western cowboy style scenes that got me a bit too excited. The episode reintroduced some old friends from The Mandalorian and some classic Star Wars characters.

Although Boba Fett once again takes a slight sideline in this episode, we still saw some great moments in Episode 6, being one of the best of the series thus far.

Synopsis: Return of the Favorites

The episode opens with a sequence in the desert where a familiar face from The Mandalorian has confronted some Pykes attempting to trade spice through his territory. That character would be Cobb Vanth, the Marshal of Mos Pelgo. It was definitely a welcome sight to see the character once again.

We then see Din Djarin go to see Grogu, but he’s essentially ignored by R2-D2, who shuts off, leaving Din hanging for quite some time. Eventually, we get to see Ahsoka once again. Din expresses his desire to see Grogu, but Ahsoka basically talks him out of it. In a sad moment, we see Grogu watching as Din’s starfighter flies off.

I certainly found myself feeling very bad for Din Djarin, as it’s pretty obvious after Episode 5 that he’s struggling with not being able to see Grogu. It was also probably why the Dark Saber wasn’t working properly with him, as his mind was certainly clouded by the idea of not having Grogu at his side.

Certainly one of the most memorable scenes was when, out of the shaky desert horizon, we see Cad Bane approaching Mos Pelgos. As a Cad Bane fan myself, seeing the bounty hunter once again filled me with a level of excitement. It’s certainly no secret that Star Wars understands what its fans want: The good ol’ classics. Albeit fan service, it’s welcome fan service in my eyes.

The overall dramatic Western Cowboy flick feel of the episode was very powerful, and I could easily tell that Favreau and Filoni were enthusiastic about it. We had ourselves a showdown and everything with Cad Bane and Vanth.


The episode also saw a decent run-time focused on Grogu’s training with Luke Skywalker, who’s CGI was clearly improved since The Mandalorian Season 2. We saw what paralleled Luke’s training with Yoda, and it was definitely a nod to the original Star Wars films. It certainly felt nostalgic, especially after seeing the films again the other day. The vision of Order 66 was certainly powerful and made me wonder even more about Grogu’s backstory.

The choice that Luke gave to Grogu was certainly interesting to see. Luke provides for Grogu an ultimatum: Take the gift from Din Djarin, and you go to him. Take the lightsaber, and you stay and train. Personally, I have a feeling that Grogu will take the gift and return to Din, as there’s too much hinting towards their reuniting in what would be Season 3 of The Mandalorian.

What Direction is this Show Heading in?

Despite all my love for these last two episodes, I find myself wondering if the writers felt that Fett was just a weak character. It seems like he’s taken a sideline for the fan favorites, and the season is only 7 episodes long. Now, I would be inclined to say that since this show technically takes place in the Mandalorian’s universe, it would be appropriate that the storylines would connect.

However, I do feel that the show has taken a turn into becoming more of a segway for The Mandalorian Season 3. Out of 7 episodes, Boba only took prominence in 4 thus far, with there being no indication thus far on how Episode 7 next week will pan out. Either way, I found myself distasteful with how Boba Fett has been portrayed. In his own show, I felt that he was the weakest and least engaging character. He has felt much more sidelined compared to Fennec Shand and now Din Djarin.

Admittedly, when I saw Episode 5, I was beyond excited and was hoping internally that the next episode would be about Din as well. I just think his character was done more justice in terms of design and story. Perhaps that’s because we’ve spent two seasons with him already, but I’m hoping that Boba Fett will have some interesting action sequences in Episode 7.

Despite any grievances, I’d easily give this episode a 9/10. I’m enjoying the extra Mando content.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Remember to keep all discussions polite and respectful.

I’m a writer for The DZSH Group and have a passion for all things gaming. I’m also an author. Check out my newest SciFi/Dark Fantasy Novel here. You can find more of my content on my website.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.