a person in black long sleeve top

Photo by cottonbro on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-person-in-black-long-sleeve-top-6284254/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

Hush hush


Hush Hush you said?


Indeed I did

What’s hush hush?

What does it mean?

Why hush hush?

Oh, why are you so mean?

I can’t hush hush

No I won’t

I can’t hush hush

No I don’t?

Can I? Would I?

Who am I?

I want to hush hush

And follow

I want to live

And be my own

Can I?

Would I?

Hush hush

Hush hush

I love you

I want you to hush hush

It is better if you do

I will love you forever

Just do



I hush hush

Yes yes

I do!

Doaa Abou Sharbin is a freelancer for The DZSH Group. She can be found on Twitter.