Hush hush don’t say a word

Hush hush

Don’t look up or down

Don’t move

Hush hush

Don’t whine

Don’t shine

Don’t smile

Don’t be

You should be funny

Hush hush

But don’t laugh

You should be courageous

Hush hus

But don’t act all tough on me

Don’t fight me

Don’t exist

Hush I said hush

Don’t talk

Don’t cry

Hush hus

Don’t be a splash of color,


Don’t spend money

Don’t eat

Don’t choose

Why aren’t you eating?

You aren’t funny?

Oh, you’re gloomy

You are sad

You are always…I don’t know 


But hush hush

Don’t explain

You don’t exist 

In my orbit

Doaa Abou Sharbin is a freelancer for The DZSH Group. She can be found on Twitter.

Related: Why Can’t Life be Like a Book?

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