Modern Warfare 2 campaign reveal

Images via Activision

Call of Duty’s official YouTube channel has posted a trailer showcasing some stellar-looking scenes from the upcoming Modern Warfare 2 title. The trailer also gives information on when people who pre-order the title can expect to get early access to the campaign.

The trailer posted showcases some moments from the highly-anticipated campaign, including some stealth missions that definitely bring back memories of Modern Warfare 2019’s “Clean House.” It looks like there will be lots of city-based missions, as well as one that includes grappling down a skyscraper.

Lots of tactical gameplay seems to be included in the Modern Warfare 2 campaign, which was expected. The success of Modern Warfare 2019’s tactical missions have definitely made an impact on the gameplay design of the Modern Warfare 2 campaign.

The trailer also revealed that players who pre-order Modern Warfare 2 will have early access to the campaign by up to a week before release. That means you can probably finish the campaign before everyone else even gets to try it.

The multiplayer beta is coming in September. Check out our article for the exact dates and platforms.

Check out the trailer below, a well as some screenshots from it:

  • Modern Warfare 2 campaign
  • Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 campaign
  • Modern Warfare 2 campaign
  • Modern Warfare 2 campaign screenshot
  • Modern Warfare 2 campaign

If you still want to pre-order Modern Warfare 2, you can. And if you’re wondering if the Vault Edition is worth it, check out our article on what to expect in the Vault Edition.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.