Modern Warfare 2 beta is fun

Despite any issues, nothing seems to be glaring enough to make me hate Modern Warfare 2 at all. I can say pretty confidently that the beta so far has been even more fun than I anticipated it to be. I assumed that I would have fun, since it’s just a Call of Duty game at the end of the day, so there’s not much surprise in what to expect.

However, after playing the early access beta on PC for the past two days, it’s just been a complete and total blast for me. The game looks great, the guns sound amazing, the animations are very unique, the maps feel much nicer compared to its predecessor, Modern Warfare (2019), and the chat is as wild as you’d expect it to be.

My favorite game mode so far has been Prisoner Rescue. I think that it puts a pretty nice spin on the Search and Destroy model that we already know from previous titles, but adds in a neat twist. It definitely gets pretty intense in that mode, but it’s a fun one for sure.

I’ve been playing around with some of the other modes in Modern Warfare 2, and I don’t really see anything as being particularly terrible. The TTK might seem a bit fast, but I think that has added to the stakes of actually trying to use a good weapon loadout to your advantage. Additionally, I’m so happy slide canceling and all that crap is gone. Nobody cares about fancy movement anymore. Everyone is just playing.

That’s what you’d expect from an FPS title like Call of Duty. You just want to load in and have fun, not go up against TTV CDL-wannabe sweats, which I think most people can agree. The biggest issue with Modern Warfare 2019 and even Black Ops Cold War, if we want to get technical, is that people were just trying a bit too hard for no reason. Yes, Call of Duty is competitive, but dang, flailing your arms by hitting YY all the time doesn’t mean you’re good at the game.

I’m not sure if it’s just the beta talking, but I feel like people want to play and want to have fun. Plus, voice chat is back, and it’s toxic and hilarious all at once. It’s pretty funny at the end of the match when both teams are just yelling at each other at the tops of their lungs. It really takes you back to the older days of Call of Duty, and I think a lot of people will be excited for that.

If you haven’t tried the open beta yet, it’s now available for everyone to take a stab at, so seriously go and play it. You won’t regret it. It’ll take a few matches for you to get used to the movement, but once you’ve got a flow going with the game, it’ll feel much smoother and more natural.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.