Here's a comprehensive guide on starting your own gaming website

Photo by Lucie Liz on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

If you have a passion for video games and enjoy gaming often, chances are you’ve wondered if you can make money off of this hobby of yours. You certainly can! We recently wrote an article about five ways you can make money playing video games. One of the ways we mentioned is a website/blog about video games. So, here’s a comprehensive guide on starting your own gaming website in 2023:

What to Know Before You Get Started

There’s a few things that you should know before you go about trying to build a gaming website. First, it takes time. You’re not going to be an overnight success, so be patient and don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t seem like it’s going to succeed in the first few months.

Second, it requires consistency. You can’t just post two articles and dip and then expect people to find you. Make yourself known and get out there. Otherwise, you won’t be able to build your brand properly.

Third, it requires hard work. The more effort you put into your website, the more results you’ll see. But make sure to work smarter too. Don’t just work hard in the wrong things. Make sure you understand what you’re doing before you do it and start off strong.

Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Gaming Website

There are a few steps you should know about before you get started with your gaming website:

1. Choose Your Niche

Gaming is a very general term and a very general topic. One of the best ways to grow on the internet and to grow a website is to have a niche. You can broaden from there, but you should start with something a bit specific.

A niche in gaming could be anything from a specific genre of games like first-person shooters or RPGs. It can also be a specific platform like PC or PlayStation. It can also be a specific game like Call of Duty or Assassin’s Creed.

Once you find the niche that you feel the most comfortable with, you need to make sure that you can create content that appeals to this audience. If you think you won’t have enough to talk about, try to find a better niche.

2. Choose a Platform to Build Your Website

Building a website can be done on many different platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Wix, etc… Some platforms are easier to learn to use than others. WordPress tends to be one of the most recommended, but it does have a bit of a learning curve. Still, you should look into WordPress, as it is the most versatile.

Either way, make sure you conduct proper research before you pick a platform.

3. Get a Domain Name and Hosting

Once you’ve figured out what platform you want to use, you need to get a domain name and hosting service. Without these, your website will basically not rank. Free domains exist, but they’re not viewed as trustworthy in the eyes of search engines like Google.

A domain name is basically the address of your website. In our case, it’s A hosting is where your website is stored on the internet–sort of like a house for the website online.

A good place to get a domain name is through Namecheap, as it often has great discounts and is very trustworthy. For hosting, check out, as they have good bundles with some needed protections for a hosting service already.

4. Start Creating Content

Now it’s time to get started creating your content. Since you’re going to be a gaming content creator, this can be things like reviews, news, tutorials, and guides.

I recommend definitely setting a schedule for your posts so you don’t overwhelm yourself at first. Consistency is a big one when it comes to starting a successful gaming website. Plus, remember your niche and target audience so you can product content that makes sense and matches.

5. Don’t Forget About SEO!

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is one of the biggest ways to grow your website. You need to put good SEO tips in practice. This can be targeting low-competition keywords, obtaining good backlinks, and ensuring that your website is mobile friendly.

6. Promote Your Website on Social Media

Promotion of a gaming website is a huge deal and you can’t skip this step. Just because you’re utilizing proper SEO techniques does not mean that you will rank right away. It may take some time, so don’t neglect social media. It’s a powerful way to expand your brand and get leads to your website.

7. Monetize Your Gaming Website!

This is a big one, since you’re probably starting a gaming website so that you can make money from it. Monetization of a website can be through things like ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and more. Once your website starts getting a decent amount of traffic, look into a lot of different ways you can monetize it and don’t skip out on opportunities.


Although it may seem like a daunting task to start a gaming website in 2023, it’s not impossible at all! You just need to get a few steps out of the way and you’re on your way to becoming a big hit in the gaming world.

Do remember that you need to have patience. This is a bit of a long-term game, since there’s already so many websites out there that produce content about gaming. Make sure you find a good niche and be consistent!

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.