The fan game Holocure has seen a surge in popularity lately forcing its developer team to disable its leaderboards.

The spinoff game is based off of the action game Vampire Survivors, in many noticeable ways. The mechanics are the same, and the general idea is the same. What’s not the same however, is the theme.

Holocure is based off of a popular YouTuber-style of content called ‘vTubing’.

vTubing is the process of taking the creator and mapping them onto a digital character, and it’s seen a massive rise in popularity in recent years, namely on the vTuber platform ‘Hololive’. Holocure (can you guess where the name comes from?) replaces the vampire-style theme and characters of its parent game with… Hololive creators.

It’s gotten so popular that the devs can’t even store the data from it anymore.

Lead developer Kay Yu explained the move on his Twitter. “Due to the incredible amount of people playing, the scores data load has become too much for what we are able to keep up with and we have to restructure it in a future update.”

“We anticipated maybe a few thousand people to play, which seemed reasonable, but it turns out there are almost 50,000 downloads in less than 24 hours, and 20gbs worth of data downloaded from the scores database.”

The developer team has seen much of their like from the Hololive content creators used in the game actually streaming it, in many cases to thousands upon thousands of viewers.

“Our small team wants to focus on new content and bugfixing first and foremost at this time,” is stated on the page, where the game is available.

“There are no plans for a mobile version.” 

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