Assassin's Creed games released all main ones

Image via Ubisoft

Assassin’s Creed is one of the biggest and most recognizable franchises in video gaming currently. It’s also one of Ubisoft’s biggest games and it’s almost become synonymous with the company. Assassin’s Creed was first released in 2007 and has been making waves for 15 years, with the most recent release being Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (also Ubisoft’s biggest launch for Assassin’s Creed).

Since 15 years is a lot of time, Ubisoft has been releasing many Assassin’s Creed games, with some certainly more popular and beloved than others, but all of them still having a special place for many gamers out there.

So here’s a list of every single Assassin’s Creed game ever released in order of when they were released:

1. Assassin’s Creed (2007)

Assassin's Creed (2007) was the first to be released

As mentioned before, Assassin’s Creed first released in 2007 and gave us the story of Altair and the Crusades. This game was where it all began for the rest of the series. We got an introduction to the beautiful world of Assassin’s Creed, as well as its parkour, combat, stealth, and so much more.

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2. Assassin’s Creed II (2009)

Assassin's Creed II was released in 2009

Assassin’s Creed II gave us an exploration through the world of Firenze, Italy and the life of Ezio Auditore. One of the best–if not the best–games in the entire franchise, Assassin’s Creed II has been hailed to this day as the game that defined Assassin’s Creed and its future.

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3. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (2010)

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (2010)

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood continued on from Ezio’s story in Assassin’s Creed II and improved upon several things, including combat, parkour, and other mechanics. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood took us to Rome as the main setting, allowing us to explore some of the landmarks of Ancient Rome and more.

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4. Assassin’s Creed Revelations (2011)

Assassin's Creed Revelations (2011)

Assassin’s Creed Revelations is the final installment to the Ezio Trilogy and gave us the story of an older, wiser, Master Assassin in Ezio. We get to explore to the Ottoman Empire and see some of the famous landmarks of now-Istanbul like the Hagia Sophia. Assassin’s Creed Revelations also allowed us to get a conclusion on the story of Altair from the first Assassin’s Creed released.

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5. Assassin’s Creed III (2012)

Assassin's Creed III (2012)

Assassin’s Creed III takes a different direction and moves away from Ezio and Italy. We get to travel to the American Revolutionary War through the eyes of Native American assassin Connor Kenway. Not only do you get to meet people like George Washington, but there’s plenty of assassin action to be had in the woodlands of New York and more.

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6. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (2013)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2013)

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag goes on a journey to the high seas and introduces naval combat into Assassin’s Creed. Following the story of pirate Edward Kenway (yes, he’s related to Connor) in the Golden Age of Piracy, you can take a trip through the Caribbean and fight it out as a pirate-assassin. It’s one of the best and most highly praised Assassin’s Creed games of all time.

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7. Assassin’s Creed Unity (2014)

Assassin's Creed Unity (2014)

Assassin’s Creed Unity goes over to France for another revolution–the French Revolution. You can play as Arno Dorian as he traverses the dangerous and violent world of a country in tatters. With romance, adventure, action, and plenty of great stealth and parkour, Assassin’s Creed Unity–although it got off to a rocky start–has become highly regarded in the community.

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8. Assassin’s Creed Rogue (2014)

Assassin's Creed Rogue (2014)

Assassin’s Creed Rogue is a uniquely different Assassin’s Creed game. It tells the story of Shay McCormack, an assassin that has turned over to the Templars and now fights under their flags. Although Rogue was not highly praised and it was shorter as a game, it did give us a chance to see just what it would be like to be the Templars for once.

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9. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (2015)

Assassin's Creed Syndicate (2015)

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate goes over to the Industrial Revolution and tells the crazy story of the Frye twins Evie and Jacob. There’s plenty of interesting gang action and great story to be told here. However, because of Unity’s rough launch, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate didn’t really get much love at its launch either.

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10. Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)

 Assassin's Creed Origins (2017)

After the disaster that was Unity’s launch, Assassin’s Creed decided to give a fresh start to the series with Assassin’s Creed Origins. Introducing more traditionally RPG mechanics into the game, Assassin’s Creed Origins is the first of the three mythologically-based titles. Origins tells the story of Bayek of Siwa, a Medjay in Ancient Egypt who is origin of the Hidden Ones that later become the Brotherhood.

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11. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (2018)

Assassin's Creed Odyssey (2018)

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is controversial among many hardcore fans, but it was overall a popular game. Taking place in Ancient Greece, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey tells the story of Kassandra (or Alexios) as she fights against the Cult of Kosmos. The game takes a bit more of a hardcore RPG approach with different mechanics, builds, and more.

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12. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (2020)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla (2020)

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla proved to be the franchise’s biggest launch and delved into the world of Vikings. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is about Eivor Varinsdottir who is a Viking raider and must lead her (or his, depends on your choice) fellow Vikings against the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Valhalla introduced much more customization and RPG-elements, and changed several mechanics present in the game.

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What’s Next For Assassin’s Creed?

So far, it is confirmed that the next Assassin’s Creed title is coming in 2023 and will be called Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage will tell the story of Basim from Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and his time in the Hidden Ones while living in Baghdad (which is in modern-day Iraq).

Assassin’s Creed is also getting several new projects in the future, which include:

Much of these will be part of the Assassin’s Creed Infinity system, which we still have yet to learn more about.

The cinematic trailer for Assassin’s Creed Mirage is below: