Fallout: New Vegas Full Guide and Walkthrough

Please note, this walkthrough is a WIP

Fallout: New Vegas is one of the most beloved Bethesda RPGs ever released. Some people have been playing it for years and others have been playing it only recently. Whatever stage you’re on in your experience with Fallout: New Vegas, this guide and walkthrough will help you navigate this sprawling RPG.

Fallout: New Vegas features main story quests and side missions, as well as different factions you can join and more. For the purposes of this guide you’re reading right now, we will talk only about the main missions that you can play and the side missions, which we will talk about after the main quests.

We will also be posting guides on the different factions that you can join, but for now, let’s get into the walkthrough of Fallout: New Vegas’ story.

Where to Buy Fallout: New Vegas #

Main Quests #

Ain’t That a Kick in the Head #

The beginning of Fallout: New Vegas introduces you to some of the backstory behind the game through a cutscene. You get to see just how the events of the game happened, from the nuclear war to the post-apocalypse and more. Your character is a Courier who was set to make a special delivery but was ambushed, shot, and left for dead.

opening cutscene of Fallout: New Vegas

However, you were saved and awaken in the offices of Doc Mitchell in the town of Goodsprings. Doc Mitchell will ask you for your name and hand you something to change your appearance. This will allow you to put a more personal spin on your character. Although nobody is going to say your name to you, you can still pick a name. You can also pick to play as a male or female character and can also customize your character’s looks.

Doc Mitchell
change character in fallout new vegas

Once that’s done, Doc Mitchell will direct you over to the Vigor-o-Matic, which is a tool that will help you with your starting stats on things like strength, intelligence, perception and more. Depending on your playstyle and what you value more, you can change the numbers here to fit what you want. Be sure to read carefully before picking so you can have what you want.

After this, Doc Mitchell will ask you to sit on a couch and then present a series of personality questions that will help him determine who you are as a person more. This is designed by the game so that it can suggest to you what stats you want to max out.

Doc Mitchell questions you in Fallout

You don’t need to go by what the game tells you to do, as it is just a suggestion. You can simply pick whatever skills you think will work the best for you.

Fallout New Vegas skills

After you’ve picked your skills, you can then select up to two traits or you can skip out on these. The traits are basically just things you can add for fun that may incorporate some different elements into your gameplay, but are not required.

Fallout New Vegas traits

Back in the Saddle #

Once you’ve left Doc Mitchell’s office, you will find yourself in Goodsprings. Your job is to seek out Sunny Smiles in the Prospector Saloon. Now, Fallout: New Vegas can seem a big confusing at first, which is why Goodsprings is a good tutorial section that shows you the ropes really well.

Goodsprings in Fallout: New Vegas

This is a good part of the game to familiarize yourself with your Pip Boy, how combat and movement works, and the incumbered system–which basically means that you can’t carry too much stuff around.

Once you’ve made it to the Prospector Saloon, Sunny Smiles is inside. Here, you want to ask her to teach you how to shoot.

Sunny Smiles in Goodsprings

You will have to go outside once she agrees and head to the back of the saloon where Sunny will teach you how to shoot at several bottles, including teaching you to aim down the sights.

firing weapons in Fallout New Vegas

After this, Sunny will offer for you to go shoot at live targets, which are some mutated geckoes. If you feel like you need practice with living/moving objects, then go ahead and agree to it. If not, you can just say ‘no.’

Gecko in Fallout New Vegas

If you do go ahead and say ‘yes,’ you can follow Sunny Smiles and then shoot at the geckoes. She will offer you to do it again, but if you feel like you’ve got the hang of it, then just say ‘no.’

Sunny Smiles

There’s a few other things you can do around Goodsprings in this part, like talk to Victor or steal items. However, some things will risk you having lower karma around Goodsprings. Unless you’re planning on getting on their bad side, you may want to avoid some of these other activities.

Talking to Victor will unlock a quest where you can go visit where they dug you up in Goodsprings though.

You can choose to do more things around Goodsprings, or you can get started on the next quest. If you stick around Goodsprings, you’ll be introduced to the Powder Gangers, who will be a slight nuisance around the map sometimes.


Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.

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