Dragon’s Dogma 2 Pawn System Explained

One of the most important parts of Dragon’s Dogma 2 that you need to know about is the Pawn system. Pawns are NPCs that help serve your character, the Arisen. They are known for being commanded by the Arisen in the game, and in fact, one of the ways the Arisen can prove legitimacy is by demonstrating command of the Pawns.

In Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll start the game out with a main Pawn, which you create when you reach Melve. This main Pawn will accompany you constantly in the game, and you can hire up to two other Pawns from the network of players in the game. Your party may shift quite a lot and you likely won’t be keeping the same hired Pawns throughout the game.

So, here’s what you need to know about the Pawn system in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and how to best utilize it.

How to Hire Pawns #

There are many ways you can hire Pawns for your party in Dragon’s Dogma 2. One of the easiest ways is when you get to the capital in Vermund. Here, there’s a structure that contains a Riftstone. This Riftstone will allow you to search for a Pawn that fits your requirements. You can specify your search based on level, if the Pawn is male/female, the vocation of the Pawn, if the Pawn is knowledgeable on quests, and more.

Hire pawns at the grand riftstone of Vermund

The Riftstones let you hire either player-made Pawns or official Pawns from the development team.

The second way to hire Pawns is by traveling throughout the world. You’ll often run into random characters that seem like NPCs, but they may stop you to try and get you to hire them. These Pawns are made by other players in the game and you can hire them at any time and swap them out at any time as well.

Make Sure to Hire Pawns of Different Vocations #

One of the things I noticed in my playthrough of Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the fact that having a team with many vocations is better than having a team of the same vocations. Each vocation comes with its own strengths and weaknesses and having Pawns that can play on each other and strengthen the overall party is a significant thing.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawns with Arisen

You can hire Pawns from any vocation that is available to Pawns like Archers, Mages, Thieves, Fighters, Sorcerers, and Warriors. After that, the other vocations are locked to the Arisen.

My recommendation is to pick any vocation for hiring Pawns other than the one your Pawn and you have.

Don’t Be Afraid to Hire New Pawns Throughout #

Pawns that you hire do not level up while traveling with you. The only Pawn that does is your main Pawn, which makes sense. So, you’ll probably find yourself needing new Pawns here and there to make your time easier.

When you head to the Rift stone, make sure to pick Pawns of the level you want so that you can keep your team consistent and balanced.

Hire Pawns with Quest Knowledge #

Pawn with Quest Knowledge in Dragon's Dogma 2

One of the options you may find while searching for Pawns is if the Pawn has Quest Knowledge. This is a really good one, because if your Pawn does have Quest Knowledge, they can actually serve as a guide for you. This means that they will lead you to the location of your next quest, they can tell you what’s going on and more. It’s a really good feature to have in your party. I would go for at least one Pawn having Quest Knowledge at any time.

Hire Pawns that are Better than You #

It may not seem like it’s effective, but it actually is! Hiring Pawns that are at a higher level may cost Rift Crystals, but it’s well-worth it when you’re trying to boost your party and keep yourself alive and safe.

Some missions in Dragon’s Dogma 2 may prove to be tough, so hiring Pawns at a higher level can help you fight through tough spots, difficult enemies, and powerful bosses. They also tend to know a lot of the world and can guide you better.

Use Pawns for Storage #

One of the neat features about Dragon’s Dogma 2 is that you can use other Pawns to hold your stuff for you. This is especially useful when you’re encumbered or you’re just carrying some extra stuff you don’t really want. Give your Pawns some of that extra stuff and move on with the rest of your mission.

In the menu, you can check out your party and select the “give” option to pass your stuff to your other Pawns.

Do note when you go to release your hired Pawns, take back your stuff otherwise it’s gone for good.

Make Sure to Heal your Downed Pawns #

Sometimes, battles may prove to be tough for your Pawns. In this case, you may find that they’ve gotten downed. When this happens, you need to revive them as fast as you can. If you don’t get to them in time, they’ll be lost and removed from your Party, and all your inventory they’re holding will be gone.

If your main Pawn is lost, head to a Rift stone and get them back.

Buy Dragon’s Dogma 2 right now!


Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.

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