The original animatronic for E.T. from the movie sold at an auction for $2.6 million

The original animatronic model that was used in Steven Spielberg’s E.T. has been sold this weekend for $2.6 million at an auction.

The prop was sold in a two-day auction put on by Julien’s Auctions and Turner Classic Movies. The auction had up for sale over 1,300 props. This included things like Robert DeNiro’s Raging Bull boxing gloves and Mjolnir from Thor.

The original E.T. animatronic was used to bring the alien to life with 85 mechanical joints. Almost every part of E.T. can move, including the eyes, neck, and the famous “phone home” finger. It was amazingly realistic and captured the hearts of many movie-goers back in the day. It was also the most expensive item sold at the auction.

Also for E.T., a maquette of him sold for $125,000. One of the BMX bikes used in the film’s getaway scene was sold for $115,000. The bike actually went for over 3 times what the auctioneers were expecting.

There were many other high-ticket items sold during the auction. The staff Charlton Heston used in The Ten Commandments went for $448,000 and Daniel Radcliffe’s Nimbus 2000 broomstick from Harry Potter was sold for $128,000.

The E.T. animatronic was created by Carlo Rambaldi, who is considered “The Father of E.T.”

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