Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Strike Walkthrough

Strike is the first mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Although it’s a pretty simple, introductory mission, if you’re stuck or just want to get through it as quickly as possible, here’s everything you need to know step-by-step on how to finish this mission.

Strike Walkthrough

Strike introduces us to a new setting, Al-Mazrah (also the name of a map for Warzone 2.0) which is in the United Republic of Adal. Ghost, Shepherd, and Shadow Company are tasked with taking out a man named General Ghorbrani of the Iranian military.

The mission begins with a cutscene and from there, you’ll take control of Ghost. This part is simple: Just keep moving forward and you’ll find a few rock ledges. You need to climb up the ledges and then move towards the cliffside where you’ll see a lot of enemies and armored vehicles in position.

From here, you need to locate Ghorbrani, so you have to use the Spotter Scope. The game will prompt you to press whatever key/button you need to press and make sure to hold that button down so you don’t accidentally get out of the scope.

Use the Spotter Scope to see how many enemies are located in the area. Once you’re done canvassing, use the scope to spot Ghorbrani. He will be coming out of a helicopter towards the right and will be surrounded by Russian military.

Once you’ve located Ghorbrani, the game will prompt you to mark him in order to launch the missile attack.

You’ll get a brief cutscene before you are steering the missile. Just follow the markers towards Ghorbrani by steering the missile right and left over the canyon. At the last second, you’ll need to boost the missile and hit the area.

This will cut to another cutscene showing the area being destroyed. Once that plays, the first mission in Modern Warfare 2 is over.

Campaign Rewards?

Of course there’s rewards! You’ll get a calling card called “Soap’s Determination.”

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