She-Hulk Episode 7 review

Image via Disney

Well, well, well. Welcome back, dear readers. Honestly, if you’ve been reading all of my She-Hulk reviews since Episode 1, then congrats. You actually witnessed me losing my mind over how terrible this show is. At this point, I’m only writing reviews as a way to troll because I might be bored a bit, but I’m sure you’re finding this entertaining as-is. She-Hulk Episode 7 really was a journey. I’m not sure if it was a good one though.


Episode 7 of our “favorite” super-hero show, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law saw Jennifer getting cozy with Josh, the guy she met who was a friend of hers. In case you forgot and need to know so badly, she met Josh at her friend’s wedding. Y’know, the wedding when Titania decided to show up for no reason and get her veneers broken.

I’m not going to break down the price of veneers again, by the way.

Ha, get it? Break down? Broken?

Moving on, Jennifer eventually does the dirty with Josh and then he vanishes and ghosts her! BUM BUM BAAA!

I literally called it as soon as the episode started and they went on dates. I literally knew it. I laughed so hard when I realized that I was correct about this point, because it’s just that cliche.

Anyways…Jennifer is really depressed about it. She wants to know if Josh still likes her. If he’s okay. He could’ve been dead or he could’ve ghosted her or whatever the hell it may be, but Josh dropped off the face of the Earth somehow.

Maybe he got kidnapped by aliens? Who knows? Maybe the Time Variance Authority had a word with him. It’s Marvel, hit us with your stupidest shot, boys!

Alright, so, Emil Blonksy–Abombination–remember that guy? Yeah, so Blonsky’s parole officer needs to go visit him ’cause the ankle bracelet was acting weird. So, his parole officer asks Jen to come with ’cause she’s a Hulk and all that. Jennifer agrees and the two get there and Blonsky’s ankle bracelet was being weird and that’s it.

Case closed.

Or so you thought!

As Jennifer is about to leave, two goofy individuals decide to have a fight and destroy Jen’s car! Yeah. That’s how the writers got her to stay on Emil Blonsky’s cult farm or something. I’m not really sure what Abomination is doing at this point. I guess he’s some motivational, spiritual guru or something.

We’ve got Man-Bull and El Aguila, who really wants you to know that he’s not a stereotype of a matador. How interesting is that, right?

Whatever, so Blonsky invites Jen on a tour of the farm cult grounds, but Jen’s too busy worrying about Josh and a text that she goes on a spiritual journey to find WiFi and ends up in Blonsky’s therapy circle.

There, we get an appearance from one of the guys that attacked her in Episode 2. Yeah, the guy with an Asgardian wrench or something. So, he’s reformed now. He’s a good member of society.

Jennifer–She-Hulk–gets a bit of a heavy dose of therapy in this episode because she is probably the slowest at coming to terms with her superhero status. I swear, Spider-Man’s transition was probably significantly more traumatic and he seemed to have a blast with it in EVERY SINGLE ADAPTATION.

But whatever, Jennifer is being herself I guess.

So, Jennifer decides that it’s okay you know? Being She-Hulk is great. Blah, blah, blah. I don’t care. I was in disbelief that this was even an episode with a script that was approved somehow.

Eventually, the tow truck comes and Jen goes home. Yay!

Oh yeah, guys, did you think we forgot about Josh? Remember the evil Redditors that want to kill She-Hulk? Yeah, guess what, guys…JOSH IS AN EVIL REDDITOR THAT WANTS TO KILL JEN!


I cannot believe that in my 20 years of living, I had to write the line: Josh is an evil Redditor that wants to kill Jen.

Overall Thoughts

This episode was a bit funnier than the other ones, probably because I had no clue why anything that was happening was happening, but it is what it is. Episode 6 and the guy that kept killing himself to get out of marriages was funnier than this one, unfortunately.

Jen’s character still isn’t clicking with me. So far, this has got to be one of the weaker MCU shows that Disney has made. I’m just not enjoying it. It feels honestly very disconnected from the rest of the MCU. Throwing a cameo in the episode doesn’t change that.

Anyways, I’m just writing these reviews because it’s funny to and I want to waste my time somehow, so yeah, enjoy. Thanks for stopping by.

Buy my book or something while you’re at it! No, seriously, I wrote a book. Go read it.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.