She-Hulk Episode 6 review

Welcome back, if you’re somehow still interested or slightly engaged in this dumpster fire of a TV show, thanks for stopping by to my review. Since I’ve decided that I will no longer hold back on this show, you can enjoy as I mentally break down from annoyance for the remainder of this article. She-Hulk Episode 6 was titled “Just Jen,” and like I’m sure you’ve figured by now, was a complete filler of an episode.

Pretty much nothing engaging, interesting, funny or unique happened in this episode. I cannot believe how many fillers this show has. I know that the writers wanted to make this some slice-of-life crap, but man oh man, does this show STINK!

Basically Jen goes to a high school friend’s wedding and is supposed to be a bridesmaid. Wow, what an interesting plot to such an interesting episode. I’m definitely not bashing my head on my Corsair K100 RGB keyboard with linear optical switches right now. Did I mention that I have a keyboard with linear optical switches? No? I feel like my keyboard might be more interesting than talking about this show, I’m not even gonna lie here. I won’t continue, but just read my review about it if you’re interested.

While Jen is at the wedding, she gets drunk and talks to a friend of hers and then Titania crashes the party. Whoopie! Right? I’m not cheering, just typing that out in frustration. She also has to give us her obligatory reminder that she’s a sad, single, 30-year-old woman. I’m not really sure why that’s relevant and why any of us care, but obligatory, right?

Basically, Jen turns into She-Hulk and beats up Titania in the least satisfying fight scene in all of the history of Marvel’s existence. And she breaks Titania’s veneers.

On a side note, I decided to look up how much veneers cost on average, and it’s like $2,000 a tooth. So, if we do the math, the average American adult has about 36 teeth. Multiplied by our assumed average price, and we get about a total of $72,000. So, She-Hulk has damaged about a house’s worth of teeth. That’s actually a very pricey fight, come to think of it. Veneers last about 5-7 years, so that’s a lot of money to renew that often.

Oh yeah, there’s also another plot line in the episode that I nearly forgot–not that it matters, but meh. Basically, there’s some guy named Mr. Immortal who can’t die or something, which is why his name is so creative and unique. I don’t care if he was from the comics either, his name is not creative.

Anyways, he’s just another bad, dumb man so there’s not much to talk about there. He gets married a lot and instead of divorcing and paying and all that, he just kills himself. But since he doesn’t die, he fakes his death every time and gets away with it.

I guess he’s figured out a cheat in the system. He just kills himself every time something goes south. I can’t say that that didn’t make me laugh, because it did make me laugh to be honest.

Whatever, so Nikki and Brook deal with the case and get compensation for all the women he married and faked his death to get out of a marriage with. Whoopie, our very interesting and engaging heroes have saved the day again!

This episode was a short snooze fest, and thank God it’s as short as it is because I’m not sure I could’ve handled another five minutes of that lazy writing.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.