She-Hulk Episode 5 review

Image via Disney

I’ll be honest, I’ve been sitting on this review for some time and have resorted to writing other articles to try and maintain some semblance of sanity because I really did not want to review Episode 5 of She-Hulk. I figured that I could make this show all go away if I just ignored it.

However, I have a responsibilities, so that’s just not possible. Yay!

If you’ve ever wondered how a TV show could possibly degenerate into a mess with each episode and if that’s even possible, then I shall point you in the direction of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. This show is arguably one of the worst I’ve ever seen, and every time I lie to myself hoping it’ll get better, it somehow gets even worse. It’s like the writers are purposely trying to kill me with this terrible show, I’m telling you.


The episode opens with the last thing we saw in Episode 4, where superhero influencer (I cannot stand saying this in every review I write about this show) Titania has created a line of beauty products named after She-Hulk after trademarking the She-Hulk name and suing Jen Walters. WOW! WHAT AN AMAZING PLOT POINT THAT I DEFINITELY HAVE SO MUCH INTEREST IN! I’M DEFINITELY NOT EXAGGERATING RIGHT NOW AT ALL!

Anyways, Jen realizes that this is a bad situation that she’s been put in–because the lawyer neglected to trademark her own superhero name–so she decides to try and get help from her employer, GHL & K. So, they hand her case over to Mallory Brook, who’s just the lady for the job. I’m not sure why she felt the need to be a giant jerk, but I guess that’s the new thing these days: Disrespect others because that makes you more powerful!

I’m sorry, I tried reading some other reviews about this episode and felt my brain cells turn into mush for a few moments.

Anyways, there’s some unnecessary stuff with Nikki and Pug who go to see some drip dealer (whatever the hell that means) named Luke who makes fashion for superheroes. Guess he’s supposed to be Edna from The Incredibles, but like a super cheap knockoff. Anyways, the guy was going for the eccentric jerk fashion designer thing, but did it horribly. After watching The Devil Wears Prada and Cruella, my standards are a bit too high for this character type.


I literally cannot remember much of the other stuff, but yeah. She-Hulk wins the suit by humiliating herself with her dating profile and all the terrible guys that dated her. Stupidest plotline in the stupidest show in the stupidest world ever.

My Thoughts (As if they weren’t clear yet)

I’m not trying to claim that every show needs to be deep and thought provoking or whatever, but there’s something called writing. Proper writing, even in a goofy comedy setting, can make a good show. It’s not always supposed to be serious, and that’s fine.

But She-Hulk is just bad comedy and bad writing, and that’s not a good combination. Each episode is laughably short and I feel like if I blinked, I’d miss it. Not that there’s anything important to miss anyways.

Every character feels like a cheap, watered down stereotype of something. The guys are all either really stupid, really rude, or both. And her family members are all stupid. I’m sorry, but I live in reality, and sure, there’s stupid people, but not this much. What is she? A magnet for stupid people? Come on, writers. You can’t actually expect me to believe this show had any thought put into it whatsoever. I’m shocked this made it past production.

This show feels like a fever dream by a middle schooler who thought they wrote something thought-provoking in a comedy sketch. It’s not thought-provoking, I want my twenty minutes back right now, I’d say.

Also, this is a picky complaint, but I hate Jen’s personality. I hate it. She has absolutely no backbone to stand up for herself with whatsoever. I mean, case in point, she took the job without knowing what she was signing up for out of desperation. I’m telling you, if her boss told her to wear a flamingo pool floaty on her head and dance around for the job, she’d do it.

I’m not sure what the message behind this is. She complains about her student loans, her bad male coworkers, and how muh society doesn’t give her chances, but she’s also not trying to fix her situation. For crying out loud, she’s a Hulk! Are you guys seriously going to try and pass this off as acceptable writing? Just complain but don’t fix your problems? That’s a bad message to send to women, I’d say.

Every other female MCU character has fought and worked hard to help the world and save people, but She-Hulk just complains and I’m not sure what else she’s doing. She made a dating profile as She-Hulk and didn’t give her own authentic self a longer chance and then acted shocked when those people only liked She-Hulk. Yeah, what did she expect?

Anyways, show’s trash. Writing’s garbage. Daredevil can’t even save this mess.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.