Deadpool 3 will see Hugh Jackman return as Wolverine

Wolverine fans, it’s time to really get excited, because Hugh Jackman is finally reprising his role as the beloved character in Deadpool 3.

Deadpool will now officially join the Marvel Cinematic Universe on September 6, 2024. Ryan Reynolds today posted a surprise teaser on his Twitter account, telling fans that he was “extremely sad” over missing D23 and that there was no Deadpool 3 announcement.

However, in his comedic fashion, Reynolds shares a workout montage before talking about potential story ideas that writers had for Deadpool 3. After that, he asks Hugh Jackman if he wants to play Wolverine again. Jackman replies with “sure.”

Hugh Jackman last played Wolverine way back in 2017’s Logan, which was directed by James Mangold. Jackman had publicly stated that Logan would be his last film as Wolverine.

The Jackman-Reynolds team-up is certainly something that the two had been wanting for some time. Back in Deadpool 2, the pair briefly appeared in the credits, but it wasn’t really a crossover.

With Hugh Jackman returning as Wolverine, it’s sure to get fans hyped. Jackman starred as Wolverine for nine movies.

Plus, with Deadpool becoming part of the MCU, it’s pretty interesting to think about how Disney will try and use his character and if Deadpool will appear in projects aside from his own films.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.