The Witcher: Blood Origin seems to have fans and critics upset at its lore-breaking story

Netflix has upset many fans with its latest original dark fantasy series, The Witcher: Blood Origin. The prequel to the streaming giant’s popular The Witcher series isn’t sitting well with critics and fans.

Although The Witcher: Blood Origin is sitting at #1 in the trending list on Netflix, over on Rotten Tomatoes, it received a 38% from critics and an 8% from fans. This comes from 24 critic ratings and over 1,500 user ratings.

The rating is so low in fact, that it’s the lowest for The Witcher franchise as a whole. Most critics and fans seem to share the sentiment that Blood Origin is not memorable and doesn’t seem to understand the lore of The Witcher. In fact, Blood Origin has supposedly decided to change the origins of Witchers from being mutated humans to basically being elves.

The change doesn’t seem to be making sense among most fans either. Although Netflix and the video games are technically not exactly the same, the lore changes are still pretty noticeable between Blood Origin and the base series.

The official description of The Witcher: Blood Origin reads: “Set in an elven world 1200 years before the time of Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri, The Witcher: Blood Origin will tell a tale lost to history: the creation of the first prototype Witcher, and the events that led to the pivotal Conjunction of the Spheres, when the worlds of monsters, men, and elves merged to become one.”

The Witcher: Blood Origin is a four-part series that premiered on December 25.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.