Overwatch 2 PvE mode has been canceled

Blizzard has made an announcement that the highly anticipated PvE co-op mode for Overwatch 2 has been canceled. This comes despite years of promising fans that it would be arriving to the game alongside skill trees and perks.

Executive producer Jared Neuss delivered the news in a recent stream, admitting that “development on the PvE experience really hasn’t made the progress we would have hoped.”

Neuss added that the team had developed “a bunch of amazing content,” but that “the effort required to pull all of that together into a Blizzard-quality experience that we can ship to you is huge, and there really is no end in sight…”

Nexus’s said that, “We’re left with another difficult choice: do we continue to pour all of that effort into PvE hoping that we can land it at some point in the future, or do we stick with this set of values we’ve aligned on and focus on the live game and focus on serving all of you?”

Overwatch 2 players are, however, highly displeased with the news. Members of the Overwatch 2 community have spoken out against the situation, stating that Blizzard had promised more than it was capable of delivering.

It seems so far that whatever PvE content was developed will be released seasonally.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.