Meta’s new AI Make-a-Video can create short videos from text prompts

Image via Meta

Meta has unveiled a new AI technology titled Make-a-Video which takes text prompts and turns them into videos. It’s similar to the popular DALL-E and Midjourney AIs, which utilize machine learning algorithms and a data base of online artwork to create an image based off of a text prompt.

In a Meta blog on Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg wrote that Make-a-Video is ”a new AI system that lets people turn text prompts into brief, high-quality video clips.”

It’s similar to Make-a-Scene, which was unveiled by Meta back in July. Make-a-Scene takes text prompts and outputs images.

A research paper written by a team at Meta stated that the process of teaching the AI was faster due to building it off of existing work like OpenAI’s DALL-E. Meta took image synthesis data, which are still images trained with captions, and applied video training data. This allowed for the model to learn about where a text or image prompt might exist.

Meta has not announced when Make-a-Video will be available to the public for use, but Zuckerberg did confirm that Make-a-Video will be an open-source project.

In order to combat potential dangers AI videos may present, Meta has put in a watermark in generated videos in order to ”help ensure viewers know the video was generated with AI and is not a captured video.”

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.