Killzone Shadow Fall and other games multiplayer servers shut down

Guerilla has announced that three games will have their multiplayer servers shut down on August 12. The three games are Killzone: Mercenary, Killzone Shadow Fall, and RIGS: Mechanized Combat League.

In a tweet posted by Guerilla, it stated that “On 12 August 2022, online servers for Killzone: Mercenary, Killzone Shadow Fall (including Intercept Mode) and RIGS: Mechanized Combat League will shut down. Online features (including online multiplayer modes) will cease on that date. Single player offline modes remain available– Guerilla”

Killzone: Mercenary launched back in September 2013 and was a PlayStation Vita exclusive. Killzone Shadow Fall was released in November 2013 as a PlayStation 4 exclusive. Last year, the website for Killzone was “retired,” but multiplayer functions were still online. However, now both titles will be shutting down.

RIGS: Mechanized Combat is a VR title that was released in 2016. It seems like the matchmaking issues and the game as a whole just didn’t sit well with players, and it is already closing its servers.

The news may come as a shock to those who were still playing and enjoying the three games, but players have until August 12 to play anymore matches and achieve whatever achievements they desire.

Sony has suffered from game servers shutting down before, with LittleBigPlanet also shutting down last year.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.