Guardians of the Galaxy

Famous Hollywood director, James Gunn, known for his work in the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy and in the DCEU, has just revealed a list of actors he has negative opinions on recently on his Twitter.

He’s been known to be very expressive over his opinions on the industry, and while he’s strongly supported the actors he’s worked with, even during moments of controversy, he has no problem avoiding other ones he doesn’t plan to work alongside.

On his Twitter page the director shared the three reasons he won’t work with specific actors on his films, which he stated he uses to “[check] out if they’re jerks.. or irresponsible.”

“I always do due diligence on actors & production heads with directors, actors, producers & crew members I trust. If it checks out they’re jerks (not just cranky or curmudgeons but actual jerks) or irresponsible I don’t hire them. Some actors I already know never to even consider.”

He stands firmly on this list of requirements:

“If it’s their temperament & it’s serious, I’ll immediately recast. Life’s too short for a**holes. Same if they’re repeatedly very late, which I hate, or unprepared. I have a long list of actors, A-list & otherwise, I’ll never work with for these reasons… But if it’s performance related, & they’re putting their all into it, I’ll do everything on my end to make it work until it’s absolutely clear the quality of the project will be perceivably harmed if we don’t recast. This can happen with really talented actors who just don’t fit.”

One of the actors he listed that follows all of what he considers to be positivie behavior patterns was John Cena, the WWE wrestler and Peacemaker star.

“Yes. John Cena is among the best people to work with – always prepared & on time & kind to everyone. He & many of my regulars are among the actors I die to work with. I want to shout out to them here but paucity of characters means I’d be leaving many out.”

The director’s newest film, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, is currently under post-production and will debut at theaters on May fifth, 2023.

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