James Cameron will be moving on from Avatar to focus on other projects.

The director behind one of Hollywood’s most famous franchises says he will likely be shifting his focus as the movies are “all-consuming.”

Cameron had developed four more Avatar stories for the franchise, while the second installment will be seeing the big screen soon. The third film in the series will probably see cinemas in 2024.

That leaves two more films that Cameron hasn’t worked on yet, and it’s likely he won’t be anytime soon.

“The Avatar films themselves are kind of all-consuming,” the director stated in an Empire interview.

“I think eventually over time – I don’t know if that’s after three or after four — I’ll want to pass the baton to a director that I trust to take over, so I can go do some other stuff that I’m also interested in. Or maybe not. I don’t know.”

However, even if he isn’t the one behind the next few films, he’s still excited to see how the story develops.

“Everything I need to say about family, about sustainability, about climate, about the natural world, the themes that are important to me in real life and in my cinematic life, I can say on this canvas,” he shared.

“Movie four is a corker. It’s a motherf**ker. “I actually hope I get to make it. But it depends on market forces,” Cameron explained. Three is in the can so it’s coming out regardless. I really hope that we get to make four and five because it’s one big story, ultimately.”

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