Dream has finally revealed his face

The insanely popular Minecrafter, Dream, has done a face reveal after being the mysterious faceless YouTuber for two years.

Dream grew to massive success very quickly during the lockdown, especially with the explosive growth in popularity Minecraft received. Dream and several others who played alongside him were at the forefront of this growth on YouTube.

Dream also largely remained a hidden mystery, wearing a mask in any pictures of himself and refusing to reveal his face prior. It was something his fanbase had been wanting for a long time and had basically been demanding from him.

Now, Dream has finally revealed his face. His YouTube video received over 1 million views in less than an hour, and the hashtag “dreamfacereveal” has been trending on Twitter all day.

Image via Dream on YouTube

Dream revealed that he would reveal his face earlier this week and teased the upload on his Twitter prior to posting it.

The reactions have been mixed, with many making jokes about it and others praising him and being very excited about the whole thing. Honestly, it’s pretty wild how one guy’s face reveal broke the internet that fast.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.