Diego Luna Andor final star wars project

Diego Luna, the actor that plays Cassian from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, has now confirmed that Andor will be his lats project with the Star Wars franchise.

In an episode of Entertainment Weekly’s Dagobah Dispatch podcast, Luna said that once work on Andor Season 2 ends, he will not return to Star Wars. “For me, this is it. It’s a beautiful journey now that I have 24 episodes, 24 shorter films, to tell the story of where Cassian comes from and how he got to be the man we met in Rogue One.

It does have a beginning and an end. Therefore, I can understand it and I can enjoy the ride and kind of picture the aim we have. I think that’s needed, otherwise you’re always working to get somewhere else. I don’t think that way.”

Andor is the latest Star Wars TV show to hit Disney+ and tells the origin story of Cassian, a rebel that appeared in Rogue One and sacrificed himself to help transmit blueprints of the Death Star to the Rebels. Reviews have hailed Andor as being a darker Star Wars story with a more real take on the oppression enacted on people by the Empire.

Luna also noted that Andor’s darker tone sets it apart from other stories in the Star Wars universe.

“What I would say is that under is the most grounded Star Wars you’ll get,” Luna explained. “This is about the people. There’s no Jedi around, and it’s very dark times in the galaxy.”

Showrunner Tony Gilroy also said that the intention of “ever costume, every weapon and every sideburn is always how to make it real. That’s the overriding manifesto for our show — make it real.”

You can watch the first three episodes of Andor on Disney+ today, with new episodes releasing every Thursday.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.