I don’t know a single person out there that doesn’t want to make money. It’s a very serious business, this money thing. Without all the green, we can’t do a lot of things: Buy food; live in a home; buy a car; go to higher education. Heck, even starting a business requires money.

Although all of us want to make money, many of us can’t seem to do just that. Making money isn’t terribly difficult, but it’s still not terribly easy either.

1. Budgeting Issues

You make a lot of money. That’s absolutely great! But, you’re spending A LOT. I mean, A LOT. I’m not talking about things like food, water, rent/mortgage, internet, etc… and no, a Netflix subscription isn’t terrible either. However, if you’re left at the end of the month with pennies or even negatives in your bank account, it’s time to go back to the drawing board and think about why that is.

First, you should take a look at all of your monthly expenses and where the money goes. Take everything essential and remove it from the list. Now, take a look at what’s left. The thing I recommend is to create a few Excel spreadsheets over several months. Once you do that, every few months, take a look at where you spent all that extra money. Find ways to eliminate these extras and save the rest of the money.

You also need to be sure that you have some sort of way to rake in some extra income. You can do things like sell on eBay, start a blog, or even make YouTube videos and get monetized. There’s a lot of different things you can do to add to your pool of cash.

2. You Won’t be a Millionaire Overnight

Patience is 100% key. It is a trait that so many lack in this modern day and age. If you are not patient with making money, then you’ll lose motivation extremely fast. And that’s a big problem. If you’re trying to make money online like through YouTube or e-commerce, then you really need to understand that it may take you a minimum of a year before you make any decent money. It may take you even more before you start making a full-time income.

You also need to acknowledge that you won’t become a millionaire overnight. That’s not possible. It may take you years to reach that level. However, if you put the work in every day, you can’t give up. You’ll succeed if you put your mind to it.

3. You’re Limiting Yourself and Your Abilites

Let’s just say you have a passion: You like to draw. In fact, you take all your free time to draw and make funny cartoons. Or maybe you were inspired by your favorite manga and want to create your own manga-style comic. But then you tell yourself that it’s not worth it. That nobody will care to read your webtoon. Or that nobody likes your art style.

These are all limitations you put on yourself. Nobody else said anything. Nobody attacked you. Nobody fought with you. You decided that you couldn’t do it simply off of hypotheticals that others may not like it. You need to eliminate that mindset now.

You are good enough and can make amazing work. There is a lot of market for your work. Why limit yourself before you even start? Don’t. Start working and put your skills out there. Research your niche. Start a comic. Start a blog. Whatever you need to do. Start because you can and will make money if you actually try to.

4. You’re Stuck with the 9-5

I don’t want to tell you to quit your job, because if I’m being honest, that’s stupid. Don’t quit your job without having a backup. Unfortunately, there’s been a concerning trend where people keep talking about quitting their job because somehow, a TikToker convinced them that jobs suck.

Look, nobody really enjoys working their life away to please an over-bearing boss. Or enjoys having to get up at 6 am just to be at work at 9 am to then work until 5 pm and then go home and be completely exhausted. If you’re stuck thinking you’re going to be rich off of your 9-5, then you’re wrong.

But at the same time, you can’t just up and quit your 9-5 if you don’t have an already steady stream of side-income. So, if you really, really, REALLY want to quit that 9-5, start working on your side-hustles now. Start a YouTube channel. Start a blog. Invest in stocks. There are a lot of side hustles out there. So, if you have multiple streams of income, you can then weigh the pros and cons of quitting. Still, you won’t be rich immediately and you won’t be rich if you just work that 9-5.

5. You’re not Putting in enough Effort

Okay, let’s just assume that you’ve finally started working on your side hustles. Whatever they may be, that’s not my point. Just assume you have a side-hustle. Now, you’re waking up at 1 pm and not working for more than an hour and then you’re calling it a day.

Honestly, do you really think you’re going to make any money with this pattern?

Heck no!

Money isn’t easy to make. And when you’re working on something like an e-commerce site, you can’t just sit there and expect people to buy your stuff. You need to put in the amount of hours you’d probably put in a part-time job or even a full-time job.

If you’re a blogger, you may have to spend your first few months writing for free for hours upon hours every day. This is what it means to work on a side-hustle. You can’t sit there and expect wads of cash to start falling on your head from a giant piggy bank in the sky.

You have to put in so much effort. It’s not easy. If it was, everybody would be making livings off of side-hustles.


At the end of the day, you really need to put in a decent amount of work and understand that money is tough to make. If you acknowledge this and work with it, then you’ve already put yourself on the path to making nice amounts of cash.

But it’ll take time. A lot of it too.

Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.