If you’re one of the many people today trying to start your own blog and potentially turn it into a source of genuine income, you need to be writing good articles.

In order to stand out from your competition and get more reads than other standard blogs, you’ll need to write beautiful posts that reflect effort, stand out, and most importantly immediately catch internet user attention.

Social media is good for getting attention, but it doesn’t get clicks. What really get clicks is the right on-site marketing techniques. In this article, we’ll be going into how to write amazing blog posts using professionally-tested and agreed-upon techniques from successful pages.

Without further ado, let’s get blogging!

1. Choose good topics

The first step to writing an awesome and attention-grabbing article is to choose the right topic. It can’t be something you don’t know much about it or aren’t interested in enough. A lack of understanding and work ethic shows through, and people will see a lack of enthusiasm and likely won’t return.

Think about it from a consumer’s perspective. Why should they spend their time consuming your content when there are tons of blogs that write about the same thing?

You need to stand out somehow, and so if you can bring a fresh new perspective to the table then, by all means, do it!

Obviously not every post will be fun and enjoyable to write. There will be times where writing will, well, feel like a job. However, having that extra edge of knowledge on your main niche will always make things easier on you. As such, when choosing a good blog topic, don’t be afraid to search around a little and assess your likes and dislikes.

It may take some time as a process but I can assure you it’s well worth it, as when you come around to writing your first post, you’ll feel right at home.

You can use keyword tools to figure out how to best plan a new blog post, like Mangrools keyword tools. It’s a great way to also boost your SEO!

2. Write good titles

The very first thing any user will see from your article is its title. It’s what gets them to click on it in the first place, and as such you should be treating it as a form of a first impression for your website.

The first step to writing a good title is to keep it brief and simple. If your titles are long and confusing, chances are you won’t be converting many page views. It needs to be short enough to be read in under a few seconds yet still encompass the main idea of the article.

Sometimes you’ll want to announce the idea in a sort of excited way. It’s a commonly used method of catching a reader’s attention via a call to action or strong opening message. As such, a good article title is key to getting your reader set to continue on in your article.

3. Write like you talk

So now you have your readers’ attention with a stellar title that hooks them in. What’s next? Now you have to keep them reading.

Writing as if you talk is a great way to seem more relatable to your reader and keep them interested. When you write with a relaxed tone that conveys a sense of informal conversation your readers will want to continue. They don’t feel like they’re reading some sort of robotic text; it feels like you’re talking with them directly.

This not only allows your reader to feel more comfortable when reading your work but it also gives them a sense of trust. They aren’t reading a generic, corporate copy-paste. No, they’re reading a piece with personality. It showcases the writer in their fullest extent.

Some of the best tips to being able to successfully write this way is to keep your sentences short, ask questions in your article, and utilize metaphorical comparisons in your piece. These are only three of the many ways you can ensure a great article but they go miles.

Something we all commonly do when we speak is we cut our sentences off short. We talk in shorter sentences because the longer a statement is the more it feels like it’s droning on.

Long sentences aren’t bad though! Don’t be afraid to write in a few lengthy ones here and there. However, the main body of your article needs to be short and to the point.

thought of when thinking about this subject.

4. Include images

Images, images, images! Pictures are essential for a good article. They give it content and make it feel like it’s built properly. They also aid to some degree in visually showing what you’re talking about, as well as serve as a sort of attention-grabbing tool.

Without images your article may feel like a wall of text, which can be inundating for the average reader. It gets boring after a while, visually speaking, which may deter people from your website. When you add pictures into the mix however, things get a little different.

So definitely make sure to add images where you can, but don’t overdo it. Too many images makes it hard to read and ruins the general feeling of the article.

Depending on how long it is you can add as many pictures as you like, but do it in moderation and at the right points.

5. SEO optimization

The final tip for writing a strong and attention grabbing article is to get it out on the world-wide web in the first place. This is where SEO optimization comes into play. By optimizing your SEO you can optimize the way in which the Google search engine pushes your content out there.

There are many ways to go about this, but choosing good keywords and writing a string title, as explained earlier, are the best two. You should also consider getting some sort of SEO tool for your website if you want to take it a step in a more professional direction.

With all that said, we hope this article has helped you begin writing great articles for your blog. Happy writing!