Nature is home to some of the weirdest things in the world. From bizarre, sentient plants that can eat bugs to strange fruits and veggies, there are some rare plants out there that really catch our attention.

Ever had a mangosteen or a durian? Chances are you haven’t as these strange fruits are incredibly rare and hard to obtain from your local market. However to those who do try them, they’ll be getting a wonderful bust of taste, nutrition, and refreshment. So without further ado, here are five of the world’s strangest fruits.

1: The Durian

The durian is a strange, hard, prickly fruit with a soft center. The biggest thing it’s known for unfortunatley is its awful smell, which has been known to serve as a big problem in the past for people trying to eat the fruit.

However, from where it’s sourced from durians are considered superfoods due to their high nutrition. In fact, one serving of Durian can satisfy the average human necessary fiber intake for an entire day. Now that’s impressive, so long as you don’t mind the smell of course…

2. Australian Finger Limes

If you asked what the weirdest looking fruit in the world was, I’d probably say the Australian lime. Australian limes are a native rainforest plant, and can be found in certain US markets. They’re usually to add tartness to food, and are definitely something to add to your bucket list!

3: Hala Fruit

This fruit is a really weird one, as not only does it look bizarre, but it’s eaten bizarrely too. In order to properly eat it, you need to remove a segment of it and suck out the nectar. Unfortunatley, just like durians, hala has a really, really bad smell. Unless you eat it immediately, you’ve signed up for a one-way-ticket to smell town.

In fact, the smell is so bad it’s literally known as the ‘stink nut’ in Hawaii.

4. Water Apple

Water apples are a weird one. Water apple trees only grow fruit twice a year, and they can get up to 40 feet high. Depending on how you like your fruit, water apples can be eaten in many different ways, although the most common is to eat them raw off the tree.

5: The Mangosteen

Now this, this is a weird looking fruit. Almost like a plum on the outside, on the inside the mangosteen is soft and juicy. It has a white look to it and tastes sweet, although there’s a bit of sour in there. You can easily peel the skin off using your thumbs and it’s definitely worth a taste.