Standing desks are popular for many reasons

A standing desk is a relatively newer idea that’s been gaining traction over the past few years. As we shift more towards office jobs and even the rise in working from home, we’re constantly at our desks and using our computers. This means, we’re sedentary a lot of our day.

The problem that has come out of this is that the more we’re sitting down, the more we’re opening up the door to health problems. Sitting down all day or for long, extended periods of time, is not optimal for long-term health.

Standing desks attempt to eliminate the problem with extended sitting. There are many solutions that several companies have come up with in order to find a way to give desk users the ability to move while working. And it’s clear that it’s working.

1. Back Pain is a Problem

One of the biggest issues office workers face is back pain. You see, the human body itself was built for movement and not much sedentary time. We aren’t supposed to be sitting down all day, and we certainly shouldn’t be sitting on uncomfortable chairs.

The reality though is that we can’t really choose what our boss provides us to sit on at work. However, if you own an office yourself, consider investing in standing desks for your employees. Back pain can easily reduce productivity and stunt motivation.

If you’re a person that works from home, this is super vital for you to work on. The more you let your back pain fester, the more chronic it will become.

2. Excess Sitting Leads to Excess Weight Gain

Yep, you heard it right. The more you’re sedentary, the more likely you are to gain weight. It’s also going to be really hard to lose it if you keep up a sedentary lifestyle.

The more you sit, the more weight you’ll gain, and that’s a genuine problem for your long-term and short-term health.

3. Your Mental Health Goes Down With Excess Sitting

Yes, that’s also true. Your mental health can suffer from excess sitting. Humans were made to be active and to move around, so if you’re just sitting down all day, you’re not going to feel fulfilled or happy.

Having a standing desk can help eliminate a lot of the excess sitting, but there are even desks that double as exercise bikes. If you’re not a fan of standing up for too long, then a desk bike is a great way to get a workout in while your working!

What Standing Desks Are Good?

FlexSpot is a leader in the standing desk world, and they’ve developed a lot of innovative, sleek, and stylish standing desks that can help you prevent excess sitting.

They have desks that are powered electronically, which means that you just tap a sensor and the desk raises until you think it’s at the right spot.

They also sell ergonomic-friendly chairs and desk converters that can help you get started with your standing desk journey.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.