The Day Before gameplay reveal trailer

Finally, after waiting for so long, Fntastic decided to deliver on their promise and released a ten-minute gameplay reveal for The Day Before. The trailer dropped on YouTube earlier today. I opened it up expecting to see something substantial after such a long wait. I was left with more questions than answers at the very underwhelming and pretty disappointing trailer I just saw.

It’s Like a Bad Remake of The Division

When the gameplay trailer begins, we see an unnamed female protagonist running around a suburb in the daylight. The trailer then shows the suburb in the dark, so at least we know that the game goes from day-to-night. Either way, the whole game looks like it was a remake of The Division, but like, a really bad remake.

There’s nothing really interesting that happens in this trailer. Most of the trailer is just walking and running around with barely any action, combat, or anything else. No character actually speaks a single word of dialogue, which isn’t a good sign either.

The Day Before seems like it’s trying to get at something, but it’s falling so short of that something that it’s painful, to say the least.

What Even Happened in That Trailer?

I’m not really sure how this game has been in development for years. Sure, there’s a crafting feature and there’s some combat and inventory and you can change your character’s appearance, but what else?

The zombies also don’t look threatening at all. You shoot at them and they kind of, just stand there. They seem to allow themselves to be shot by you. There’s no real stake to killing them nor is there any real fear like in other video games that revolve around zombies.

The game overall looks like a mobile version of The Division with zombies. This game definitely needs more time to be developed because to me, it doesn’t look like it’s anywhere near ready yet.

At least we even got the gameplay reveal trailer for The Day Before. Can’t really say if it was satisfactory for anyone at all though.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.