Saints Row is getting its first major update in November

Image via Volition

Saints Row is getting its first major update in November.

Developer Volition said in a blog post that although it was hoping to release new content for Saints Row, it is currently prioritizing development after the lackluster launch.

Saints Row was released to the public in a broken state, with plenty of bugs and issues. Many criticized its gameplay and story, but most of the loudest complaints were regarding game-breaking bugs and more.

Volition’s first major update will include stability upgrades and over 200 bug fixes, with a focus on challenges, overall stability, and the co-op system.

Several quality-of-life improvements will be made as well, including reduced repetition in some activities, challenges with more reward, improved vehicle management, and revamps for the rumble and haptic features.

Volition is also releasing free cosmetic packs for Saints Row this week, with additional packs set to be given to Expansion Pass owners at no extra cost.

CEO of Volition, Lars Wingefors, recently said that he was disappointed by the reception towards Saints Row.

“Personally, I had hoped for a greater reception to the game. It’s been very polarizing. There are a lot of things that could be said in detail around it, but I’m with one hand happy to see lots of gamers and fans happy, and at the same time I’m a bit sad to also see fans not happy, so it’s difficult.”

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