Nespresso Essenza Mini C review

I’m a caffeine person, there’s no hiding that. I’ve always loved coffee and will take it whenever I can. In my search for the best coffee, I came across Nespresso a few years ago and since then, I haven’t been able to go back.

I first had the Nespresso Vertuo machine, but when I moved to a smaller apartment for university, I figured that I’d just get any random instant coffee and move on with my life. Lo and behold though, my mother gifted me a smaller Nespresso machine, the Nespresso Essenza Mini C. It was a great gift, to be honest, and it saved me a lot of coffee shopping in university.

The Nespresso Essenza Mini C is a smaller machine that fits really nicely in smaller apartments. Its modern and sleek finish and design makes it perfect for a lot of settings. Its size is an advantage, as it could fit pretty much anywhere I wanted it to: On my desk, on my fridge, on the kitchen counter. You get the idea.

There are a few different versions and two separate and distinct designs. The one I got was more of a sleek, boxy design rather than the rounder model.

It’s got a lot of pros besides its size. For one, it’s definitely quiet and doesn’t disturb people around you. It has two different modes for your coffee. You can choose to just have a standard espresso, which is typically small and more concentrated in its coffee flavor. Or, you can have a lungo, which is a bit larger and lets you have more room to just get the most coffee flavor out of your coffee.

I usually go for a lungo, just because I enjoy adding lots of creamer and all that to my coffee, but if you don’t, then the espresso size is great for a quick dose of coffee in the morning.

Nespresso offers lots of different coffee flavors, but other brands like Starbucks have coffee pods that are compatible with the Nespresso Essenza Mini C, which means that you can still get your favorite coffee in at the end of the day. I usually prefer Nespresso’s official coffee pods, because they really do know how to get that burst of flavor in there and it works really well.

If you’re like me, and having some sort of creamer or milk to your coffee is valuable, then you should get the bundle that comes with the Aeroccino frother. You just set it on your counter, pour whatever milk you like, and let it froth. Then, you can add it to your coffee to make it taste even better.

At the end of the day, for a coffee lover out there, it’s the perfect machine and definitely one that’s worth using.

Buy the Nespresso Starbucks pods here!

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.