Ms. Marvel debuts at lowest viewership on Disney

When we take a look at the recent Marvel live-action shows, it’s not hard to tell why Ms. Marvel has been unable to draw in some of the impressive viewer counts of other recent shows.

Loki still sits at the number one spot, with 2.5 million views. Oscar Isaac’s Moon Knight trails just behind, with 1.8 million views. Ms. Marvel in the same time-frame is still sitting at 775k views. There are probably a few reasons as to why that is, but they’re actually not hard to identify.

1. COVID and Lockdowns

I’m going to just get this one out of the way, but we all know that while the lockdowns were going on, it was much easier to sit around and watch the latest shows releasing on the big streaming platforms.

Loki definitely benefited the most from this release, but Moon Knight still pulled in a great amount of viewership despite it releasing during a time in which many nations were lifting lockdowns and sending people back to work and school.

Ms. Marvel’s recent release may be why there hasn’t been much viewership, as people are just going back to living life normally. However, I think that the reason is a bit deeper.

2. Name recognition

In my eyes, this is the biggest reason why people probably didn’t tune into Ms. Marvel the way they did Loki or Moon Knight.

Loki is a very well-known character from the films and Tom Hiddleston is a recognizable, famous actor. It’s clear that people will feel more compelled to watch a show featuring a character that is beloved.

Moon Knight–although not as popular–was cinematically brilliant. It was certainly one of the best shows released on Disney+ recently and it featured big names like Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke–once again, recognizable actors that people are familiar with and love.

Ms. Marvel’s cast is not as well-known as the ones in the aforementioned titles. That doesn’t mean it’s bad, it just means that there isn’t as incentive to watch for viewers.

3. Ms. Marvel feels more like it’s for kids

People’s interests are shifting over time, and it’s clear that darker shows with heavier themes are more popular than the more childish theme of Ms. Marvel.

Sure, Ms. Marvel can get darker, but it’s clear from the way the show was directed and scripted that it wasn’t made for the same audience that was being targeted in Loki or Moon Knight.

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Ms. Marvel did draw in a good portion of viewers from the 20-25 age range, but still, it’s clear that it was made for a younger audience. Moon Knight was made for a more mature audience. Same with Loki.

And that’s where Ms. Marvel was probably hit a bit. It’s not a bad show, but it’s not the same quality perhaps as the other Marvel live-action features. It’s fun and has some light humor, sure, but it’s not what people seem to like nowadays.

Did you watch Ms. Marvel? If not, why? Let us know in the comments below!

Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.