Moonbreaker playtest

Image via Krafton Games

Moonbreaker, the upcoming digital tabletop strategy game, will have two preview weekends on Steam in September for players to try the game out for free. The game launches in Early Access on September 29.

The first playtest will be on September 9 and run until September 11. The second playtest will start on September 16 and run until September 18. Playtesters will have access to the entire game, but some systems and the store will not be available just yet.

As a part of its gameplay structure, Moonbreaker lets players build armies from selections of units and then take them into battle. However, each model is unique and can be painted either in a custom way or by using paint schemes created by professional model painters.

If you want to sign up for the playtest, just log into Steam and open Moonbreaker’s Steam page. From there, just press the “Request Access” button under the “Join the Moonbreaker Playtest” section. Once you’ve confirmed your interest, just wait for an email notification to start playing.

Individuals who are accepted will have immediate access to Season 1 Units and Captains, allowing players to save time and try out the different features of the game. Once the playtest ends, almost all progress will be lost. The only thing that will not be lost is the player paint jobs, which will be saved and carried forward to the Early Access launch.

Moonbreaker was announced during Gamescom 2022.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.