Let's be honest, if you've ever thought about dieting or working on your health, one of your first assumptions is probably cutting off bread. But what if I told you that bread isn't the problem...

Let’s be honest, if you’ve ever thought about dieting or working on your health, one of your first assumptions is probably cutting off bread. But what if I told you that bread isn’t the problem, the type of bread you eat is the problem.

As someone who’s experimented with dieting, calorie deficits, cutting off foods and more, I don’t find it necessary to cut off bread. As long as you make a healthier version of bread to consume in moderation, you should be fine while still enjoying your food.

Now before we start, be sure to check out my video on making this bread below:

So, I don’t want to hold you too long. Without further ado, here’s a simple, healthy and yummy recipe:

In a mixer or bowl add:

  • 2 cups all processed white flour
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 cups barley flour
  • 1 cup fine semolina flour
  • 1 cup wheat germ
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 2 tablespoons grounded flax seeds

Your first want to mix that together a bit. Afterwards, we’ll mix in our liquids:

  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3 1/4 cup lukewarm water

I used this stand mixer:

Once all of the dough has combined, grab a large metal bowl. Spread oil around in the bowl then scoop your dough, forming it into a dome shape in placing it in the bowl. Then wrap the bowl tightly in plastic wrap and place it in an oven until it doubles in size.

When the dough is much larger, take it out and knead it very gently. Then, shape it into 50 gram balls. This bread has to be paper thin when cooking so roll it out very thin using a rolling pin. If you want to see how thin, check out a video on this recipe below:

I then cooked it on a panini press:

This bread turned out super delicious. It’s made with high quality ingredients and I definitely recommend you try it.

If you want to use the same equipment I used, see the following: