Amazon Prime Gaming is giving away Dishonored 2 for free

Image via Bethesda

Amazon Prime Gaming often gives full video games for free to people who have Amazon Prime subscriptions. This month, Amazon Prime is actually giving away Dishonored 2 for free.

Dishonored 2 is the sequel to Dishonored. Developed by Arkane and published by Bethesda, the Dishonored games are highly regarded and extremely popular. The two titles feature intense, ultimate stealth gameplay. They are also both highly praised for their stories and design.

We’ve given plenty of praise to Dishonored here at The DZSH Group, and recently uploaded a review on if Dishonored is worth playing in 2022. This applies to 2023 either way:

Dishonored 2 continues the story from Dishonored and gives players the choice to play either as Corvo or as Emily. It’s recommended that players go through the game as both characters in separate playthroughs.

The nice thing about the Dishonored franchise is that there is a lot of replayability value to the games. You can replay the first Dishonored many times and each time change your tactics, techniques, and behaviors. This can have a major impact on the way the game unfolds.

Since Dishonored 2 gives you two different characters to play as, you should definitely give it a go and replay it.

How to Redeem Dishonored 2

The redemption process for Dishonored 2 is pretty simple. Once you’re in your Amazon Prime Gaming dashboard, click on Dishonored 2 and click on redeem.

It will tell you that you will need a GOG account in order to redeem it. If you don’t already have an account with GOG, just go ahead and sign up. It’s basically the same idea as Steam or Epic Games.

Redeem the provided code in GOG and now you can download Dishonored 2!

How to Sign up for Amazon Prime Gaming

For starters, you need an Amazon Prime account. Amazon Prime is a subscription service provided by Amazon that gives you the chance to get access to special discounts, deals, and free, fast shipping. There’s a lot of value to Amazon Prime.

Plus, with Amazon Prime, you get automatic access to Amazon Prime Gaming. This secondary service offers up free video games and free in-game content.

For example, this month, you can get a weapons blueprint bundle for Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare 2 through Amazon Prime Gaming:

Amazon Prime Gaming Modern Warfare 2 blueprint

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.