The famous voice actor on the popular 80’s show Blind Date has been announced dead at age 90.

Skidmore, more often known as ‘Our Graham’ by long-time fans of the show has unfortunatley passed away. He was one of the main components of the ITV show, even though he had never shown up in person before.

He was found dead on December 27, however it was only announced today. The cause of his death was vascular dementia, which he has had for 10 years now.

Neil Skidmore, Skidmore’s son, told The Sun “He might not have wanted to be seen on screen, but he had a celebrity voice – a known voice. He loved it. I do event organizing and had a show in London and got Dad to do the voice over.”

“People recognized him straight away.”

Strangely enough, Skidmore had originally wanted to become a doctor, but after an ear infection caused him to miss his exams. Following his time in the National Service the celebrity voice actor had decided to go into engineering and sing as a side-hobby, which had ultimatley gotten him into theater.

From there he became the famous voice many of us know and love today.

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