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Yelp is one of the most widely recognized review apps out there, used by most people when it comes to rating their favorite- and least favorite -businesses.

One of the things that Yelp is also known for however isn’t its reviews; it’s its sense of humor.

That’s right. It’s happened all too often where a Yelper will put a review that is roll-on-the-floor level funny, whether they meant to or not.

So here are 15 of our team’s favorite, and we’re sure you’ll find them just as funny as we did.

10. Michael T.’s Sad Love Story

9. Fox E., An Aspiring Rapper

8. Samuel G.’s Law Firm… Restaurant Review?

7. Do You Think She’s Still Waiting?

6. Then… Why’d You Rate it One Star?

5. Tyler B. Has His Priorities Set Straight

4. I’m Pretty Sure That’s Malpractice But I’m no Dentist

3. Nick S. Was Clearly Disappointed

2. Who Doesn’t Love The Noise of Police Sirens?

1. How Dare They?