Steam just broke a record of concurrent users

Image via Zainah Yousef/The DZSH Group

Steam just broke a massive record, with 30 million concurrent users logged in at once for the first time ever.

Around 10:00 AM EST, 30,032,005 users were using Steam at the same time. This includes people just browsing, people purchasing games, and people hopping on to finish off the weekend with some game-time.

Typically, weekends see Steam hit 27 to 29 million concurrent users. Back in March 2022, Steam broke a record when 29,986,681 users were on the platform at the same time. It’s likely that as the days get shorter and time outside does too, more people are deciding to play some games earlier in the day than they used to.

Additionally, the popularity of gaming has definitely carried over from the end of the lockdown periods and COVID-19, which means that a lot of people probably found themselves getting into gaming, and that massive wave has probably not dwindled down much since.

Whatever the precise reasons are, it’s a pretty big deal for Steam.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.