The hit anime series Slam Dunk is returning to theaters in a brand new film for 2022, after being teased in a poster online.

The film, titled The First Slam Dunk, has been announced by Toei Animation and Shueisha recently and is set to hit theaters in early December of this year, however there has been word that fans might be seeing an international release as well.

A film poster shared online has helped garner attention for the movie’s release, including sharing important details. Interested fans can find the movie’s trailer on the studio’s YouTube page on Thursday, when it’ll be released.

The film will be written and directed by Takehiko Inoue, the original creator of the series. He’ll be working alongside other big names in the anime sphere like Daiki Nakazawa, Kazuo Ogura, Koji Kasamatsu, Naoki Miyahara, Toshio Ohashi, and many more. Long-time fans of the show can catch it on Crunchyroll.

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