Paper Girls canceled

Image via Amazon Prime Video

Paper Girls, a recent Amazon Prime series, has been canceled after just one season.

Deadline reported on the news, stating that despite a solid reception of the show by critics, Amazon has decided to cancel the show. It premiered back in July and was produced by Amazon Studios and Legendary TV.

The story of Paper Girls is based off of the 2015 comic book series by Brian K. Vaughn and follows the lives of four girls–Tiff, Erin, Mac, and KJ–who get caught up in a war between factions of time travelers.

It’s not exactly clear why Paper Girls didn’t really succeed, but it is possible that it was just overshadowed by present competition at the time. Amazon’s Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power was set to be released not too long after Paper Girls did, and it’s likely that people just weren’t paying attention or weren’t interested in the story of the show.

The DZSH Group did watch the first few episodes, and felt that the series was lackluster, with some semi-decent acting and bad special effects. However, the show did not do terribly in terms of reviews. Still, it looks like Paper Girls just didn’t make the cut with audiences.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.