LG gaming

Image via LG Electronics

LG Electronics is now working towards expanding the gaming experience with its products, including adding a new cloud-gaming service to give users more choice. Additionally, a UI update to LG’s products will make it easier to ‘get in the game.’

Blacknut and Utomik Cloud are arriving on LG TVs in September and November, respectively. The two services will provide LG users the ability to get access to AAA games, indie titles, and much more. They do require in-app subscriptions, but players will be able to jump instantly into any game they desire.

More specifically, Blacknut has over 500 PC and console games, while Utomik Cloud has over 100+ games to offer. Blacknut includes titles like Metro Exodus and many Disney titles as well. Utomik is a good one for those who are fans of indie titles like Coffee Talk.

Blacknut will be available on LG Smart TVs in the U.K., France, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in September and will come to North American TVs later this year. More regions will be encompassed in Q1 2023. Utomik Cloud is coming to the U.S., the U.K., Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Lucembourg starting in November.

LG’s updated UI will now allow users to go through a Gaming Shelf which will be available on the home screen. The Gaming Shelf currently allows some titles from Nvidia GeForce NOW. Google Stadia titles will soon be added to the Gaming Shelf in future updates.

LG says that it wants to continue to bring “gamer-centric content and capabilities to its industry-leading TVs”, and the latest improvements and updates are set to make “gaming more accessible than ever.”

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