Here's how to unlock the Biohazard skin in Modern Warfare 2

The Biohazard skin in Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare 2 is one of the hardest and rarest skins to get. It isn’t impossible, but if it were easy, I think you’d see everybody running around with it. Unlocking it can only be done through DMZ, which is a unique experience for Call of Duty and is available through Warzone 2.0.

DMZ does also allow you to unlock the M13B Assault Rifle.

In order to unlock the Biohazard skin for Konig, you’ll need to complete some Weapon Case Events.

What is a Weapon Case Event?

For the Biohazard skin, you will need to complete seven Weapon Case Events. Completion is only earned when you successfully extract from DMZ with the Weapon Case. The events most commonly spawn near places like the Observatory, the Al Sharim Pass, or Zarqa Hydroelectric. You can only locate them on the mini-map by looking for a large yellow area that shows a briefcase.

In case you’re wondering, yes you’ll earn rewards for getting the Weapon Cases. It’s not all in vain or only for the Biohazard skin.

Here are the rewards:

  • Caution Tape: RPK Weapon Blueprint
  • Biohazard: Weapon Sticker
  • Jungle Incognito: Vehicle Skin
  • Gas Gas Gas: Weapon Charm
  • Weapon Crate: Calling Card
  • Biohazard: Konig Operator Skin

How to Complete the Weapon Case Events

Once you’re in the yellow zone, you’re going to have to fight for your life against the enemy AIs. Once you hear an announcement that a heavily-armored enemy unit (Juggernaut) has entered the area, you must defeat him to get the Weapon Case.

Your best bet at stopping the Juggernaut is with an LMG; otherwise, you’ll probably die or be sitting there with no ammo after some time.

Once you’ve defeated the Juggernaut, equip the Weapon Case. You will be marked on the map and players will be able to see where you are. This is pretty similar to Warzone’s Most Wanted Contract. At this point, you will need to extract ASAP to avoid being killed. Once you’ve extracted each time you complete the Weapon Case event (you’ll need to do this seven times, remember?), you’ll unlock the Biohazard skin for Konig in Modern Warfare 2.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.