Diablo IV gameplay leak

Image via Activision Blizzard

It looks like at least 40 minutes of gameplay from Diablo IV has been leaked online. Two clips have been spotted and shared by Reddit user iV1rus0, with the first one lasting about five minutes and the other lasting around 38 minutes.

The shorter video seems to show that whoever recorded the footage wasn’t playing the game, but it’s not clear yet who may have leaked it. VGC reported earlier on the news, stating that it is likely the player was streaming the footage through Discord and others were watching it.

In the video, it appears that the footage was of a game test of Diablo IV, with a watermark in the game that says “Private Test Build” along with an ID number. These ID numbers are mostly utilized in these scenarios to help identify who may have streamed the footage and then take action.

There is a theory that the footage may be linked to the ‘friends and family’ alpha test of Diablo IV, which has been ongoing since last month. The streamer may possibly be related to an employee at Blizzard if that is the case.

The shorter video seems to have a conversation going on in the background, with one person asking “So, was this coordinated or did he just hop in here and start streaming this?” To which someone else replies, “Just hopped in.”

This is the second leak of a major game in 24 hours following the massive Grand Theft Auto 6 leak on Sunday. The difference is that Diablo IV footage has been shown by Blizzard before, but GTA 6 was not supposed to be shown yet.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.