The hit reality comedy series Impractical Jokers follows the humorous escapades of trio Brian...
The box-office flop film ‘Morbius’ has been rereleased to cinemas following an incredibly poor...
The world of actors, films, and tv is a bizarre one. Sometimes, in order...
With the heavy amounts of production and effort that go into most cinema-screen movies...
Top Gun: Maverick, starring Tom Cruise, is seeing a second successful weekend after a...
FARFAX, VA- The jury has come to an official verdict on Johnny Depp’s lawsuit...
Bill Cosby is going to be returning to court soon after new sex abuse...
Canada’s men’s hockey team will be moving on to the final games against Finland...
Netflix has revealed the first 8 minutes of the highly anticipated Season 4 of...
Netflix stocks plunged 25% today, the second time this year NFLX stocks took a...