Marvel Cinematic Universe has positioned itself as a leader in the film world. With...
Zainah Yousef
Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.
Amazon has released the numbers for Prime Day and seem to be ecstatic about...
Bandai Namco, a popular publisher of video game titles like Elden Ring, has announced...
It was announced not too long ago that Netflix will be introducing a new...
GameStop has fired its Chief Financial Officer, Mike Recupero, and is planning on laying...
A standing desk is a relatively newer idea that’s been gaining traction over the...
Gaming setups are a popular thing in the world today, as gaming continues to...
The skincare world is one of the biggest consumer industries, and that’s no secret...
It’s true that many students struggle with picking the right major for them. It’s...
PC gaming is a very popular hobby. With the recent quarantine and lockdown, there’s...