According to a source from Us Weekly, Travis Barker was hospitalized on Tuesday after suffering from pancreatitis.

Barker was transferred to Cedars-Sinai hospital on Tuesday, after arriving at the Los Angeles medical center on a stretcher.

Shortly before the medial emergency took place he would tweet out the word: “God save me,” leading to concerns online. His daughter, Alabama, asked her followers online to “send their prayers” following the incident. This is the singer’s first major, public health complication since a plane crash in 2009.

He spent months in the hospital, being treated for third-degree burns and earning to walk again.

“I was told I wasn’t going to run again because I had so many grafts on my feet, and there was even talk of me never playing the drums again,” he explained during an interview back in 2021. “As soon as I could walk, I could run. As soon as I could move my hands and my hands healed, I was playing drums. And now I’m in better shape than I’ve ever been.”

“People are always like, ‘Did you go to rehab?’ And I [say], ‘No, I was in a plane crash.’ That was my rehab. Lose three of your friends and almost die? That was my wake-up call. If I wasn’t in a crash, I would have probably never quit.”

Of the plane crash, barker and Adam Goldstein were the only survivors, and Goldstein would subsequently die a few months later due to an overdose.

“We were each other’s therapists,” Barker explained in relation to Goldstein. “So it was just him and me. When he left, I was like, ‘Oh f—k. I’m the only one in my club. It’s just me.”

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