Ron Gilbert, the developer behind Return to Monkey Island, says he will no longer post about it online after he received a slew of “personal attack comments.”

“I’m shutting down comments. People are just being mean and I’m having to delete personal attack comments,” he stated on his personal blog. “The joy of sharing has been driven from me.”

A majority of the negative comments come from harsh criticisms of the new game’s artistic style, which is noticeably different from the original games. As a result of the feedback however, Gilbert claimed that the negativity was too much for him, and that he would subsequently shut down comments on the page.

“It’s an amazing game and everyone on the team is very proud of it. Play it or don’t play it but don’t ruin it for everyone else,” he wrote.

Monkey Island originally came out in 1990 and ’91 as a series of adventure games centered around the story of Guybrush Threepwood, a Caribbean pirate. Ron Gilbert would leave LucasArts in 1995 and go one to develop three more Monkey Island games in 1997, 2000, and 2009.

The newest game in the franchise will be releasing sometime soon, boasting the new art stye that has caused both Gilbert and leading artist Rex Crowle issues online.

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