How to get free stuff from Influenster. These are Vox Boxes from the company

Whenever someone asks me about ways to get free products to review or just free products in general, the first thing I point them to is Influenster.

Influenster is in a way a social media platform made for reviews. You have access to a profile you can build and products from all sorts of industries to review. I’ve reviewed plenty of products on Influenster before and it’s really fun to go in and see what other people have to say about what’s available.

Now, if you’re wondering how to actually get free products, I’ve created a step-by-step process to sign up on Influenster and start getting free boxes, or Vox Boxes as Influenster calls them.

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Step 1: Download the Influenster App

If you have a phone or a tablet, then just head on over to the app store on your device and download the Influenster app. Easy so far! You can sign up using this link right here: Sign up today!

Step 2: Make an account

Once your app has downloaded, you have to sign up for Influenster. You can either use your Facebook account or sign up with your email. The app will ask you for some basic information about you to get started. You’ll also need to have a shipping address so that you can receive the free products when you qualify.

Step 3: Complete your profile as much as possible

Your profile is a very important part of Influenster. It allows for you to select your interests, which can include things like arts and crafts, beauty, grocery, games, and more. Once you select your interests, Influenster will ask for some details in each category in order to help determine which Vox Box campaigns you qualify for best.

Step 4: Complete introductory tasks

Once you’re in, you’ll notice that Influenster has a tier ranking system, with the maximum tier being 9. You can increase tiers by completing profile information, completing daily tasks, and more. The higher your tier, the better it is for you.

Step 5: Review lots of products

This is the part where you go around your house and start finding products that are available to you to review. If you can find the product on Influenster, write a review on it. The more reviews, the better your profile will become. Plus, Influenster can tailor what Vox Boxes are best for you by having you fill out reviews and your profile.

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Be sure to put pictures and/or videos in your review. It helps boost your chances on Influenster and can help you get lots of interactions via likes or comments from other reviewers.

Step 6: Have an Instagram on file

You don’t need really any followers to do this, but you should makes sure that you at least have an Instagram on your account. Sometimes, companies will ask you to post a picture or a review on social media, so it helps to have those accounts there.

You really don’t need to have any followers to do this, and you can start a new account just to review products on. If you’ve built a great follower base on this new account, you may be able to get sponsorships one day.

Step 7: Be patient and be excited!

Now that you’ve completed everything on this list, explore the app a bit more. At this point, all you have to do is be patient! You’ll start getting surveys, which you should answer to the best of your ability, and you’ll start receiving Vox Boxes once you’re selected for a campaign.

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It’s a really exciting process and I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun with it!

Did you get a Vox Box? Let us know in the comments about your experience!

Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.