Ikea wants developer to change The Store is Closed look, saying it resembles an Ikea store

Image via Ziggy

Ikea seems to be a bit angry at an indie horror game that takes place in a furniture store. So much so that they’ve issued a cease and desist demand insisting that the horror game is changed before release to stop press and players from comparing it to Ikea’s stores.

The Store is Closed is by indie developer Ziggy and although it doesn’t use Ikea products, names, or branding, Ikea believes that the developer is infringing on its copyright. The furniture giant has sent in New York legal firm Fross Zelnick to take care of the situation.

The UK-based developer has ten days to make changes or face legal action from Ikea.

In a tweet, Ziggy wrote: “IKEA’s lawyers contacted me about The Store is Closed.

“I was going to spend the last week of my Kickstarter preparing an update for all the new alpha testers. But now I’ve got to desperately revamp the entire look of the game so I don’t get sued.”

When asked if he had intentionally designed the store with Ikea in mind, Ziggy said that he “bought generic furniture asset packs to make this game.”

However, it doesn’t look like Ikea is convinced, replying with: “Your game uses a blue and yellow sign with a Scandinavian name on the store, a blue box-like building, yellow vertical stiped shirts identical to those worn by Ikea personnel, a gray path on the floor, furniture that looks like Ikea furniture, and product signage that looks like Ikea signage. All the foregoing immediately suggest that the game takes place in an Ikea store.”

For those who are curious to learn more about The Store is Closed, Ziggy has set up a Kickstarter page, You can also wishlist it now Steam. It’s set to release on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.

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