Oscar Isaac says he doesn't know if there will be a Moon Knight Season 2

Image via Disney

Oscar Isaac has spoken about the possibility of a Moon Knight Season 2, explaining that he is hoping Marvel will give it one, but that it’s not confirmed just yet.

During a recent interview with Collider, Isaac said he couldn’t “definitively” answer whether Moon Knight would get another season because he hadn’t received any “official word” from Marvel yet.

He went on to assure fans that he was in the same position as them and that he was just waiting to “see what happens” with Moon Knight.

“We’ll see what happens. But at the moment, there’s no official word,” he said.

Moon Knight’s first season ended on a cliffhanger, with Jake Lockley finally making an appearance on-screen. The final episode also introduced a new Egyptian superhero to the MCU and seemed to pave a path to expand the story of Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley, Layla El-Faouly, and Khonshu.

Director Mohamed Diab said that it would be “a waste” to let the story end where it did, but he also does not know if there would be some sort of follow-up to the first season.

Earlier this year, it seemed like there would be a Season 2 after Diab and Isaac were seen in a TikTok in Egypt. The person filming the video asked why the two were in the country and if it had something to do with Season 2 of Moon Knight. Isaac had responded “why else would we be here?” to the question.

At the time, it prompted many to believe that it was a sort of a confirmation for Moon Knight Season 2, but it’s still unclear.

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